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Deugro – Together WE CARE

For CARE's Emergency Relief Work for People in Need


For CARE's Emergency Relief Work for People in Need


What is CARE doing to respond to humanitarian crises?

Eine CARE-Helferin gibt einer Frau in Südsudan einen Sack mit Hilfsgütern

CARE and their partners prepare for and respond rapidly and at scale to sudden onset natural disasters, protracted and complex crises, as well as public health emergencies and their secondary impacts.

CARE plays a leading role in transforming the humanitarian sector by placing gender equality at the centre of their responses. CARE uses specific approaches that protect people’s dignity and builds resilience and social cohesion in communities before, during and after an emergency


    CARE emergency partner

    CARE Partner Company Logo

    CARE’s emergency partners are very important to the work of CARE. With the help of its emergency partners:

    • CARE can react quickly and directly to disasters (such as Ukraine crisis, earthquakes Türkiye/Syria and Morocco, floodings Libya)
    • CARE has available funds to support forgotten crises
    • CARE can provide the necessary matching fund which public sponsors often expect as own contribution to project financing